Note that the Logs tab is only available in Access Control if you have one of the 'Retrieve Audit Logs' permissions (more info).
Audit logs can be viewed or downloaded via the Logs tab of Access Control.
The downloaded log file contains all available raw data and is not easy to read. It also contains data that is not useful to you, such as IDs. A downloaded log file can be useful if you or Priva want to further investigate the audit log.
Follow the steps below to download a log file and convert it into an easier-to-read Excel table.
Step 1: Download log as JSON file
In Access Control, tab Logs, download the log JSON file and save it on your pc.
Scope*: Scope Organization includes the actions performed on organization level, so actions that are not related to a site (e.g., assigning user permissions). Scope Site includes the actions performed that are related to the sites you select.
* You can only select the scope if you have the ‘Retrieve Audit Logs for Organization’ permission. The ‘Retrieve Audit Logs for Locations’ permission only allows you to select a site. The list of sites to choose from consists only of sites that you have permission to access.
Format: It is recommended to download the log as a JSON file rather than as a CSV file. The JSON file can easily be converted to a readable Excel table (see step 2). Converting the data from the CSV file to an easy-to-read table is much more complicated.
Step 2: Convert the data from the JSON file into a readable Excel table
To convert the data from the JSON file into a readable Excel table, perform the steps below.
A more detailed explanation can be found HERE .
- Open Excel
- Add data from JSON file
How to import data from external data sources (here: JSON) into Excel is described HERE . Note that the instructions depend on the Excel version you have.
Is the option 'From JSON' missing (for Excel 2016/2019)? Then choose 'From Text' > select all file types > select the JSON file.
⇒ A query editor appears. - In the query editor, click To table > OK.
- Expand the table (button in the column header) and choose which columns you want to appear in your table. Note that you may also need to expand columns within the table (these columns show ‘record’).
- Click Close & Load.
⇒ Your table appears in Excel.
Tip: Use the column filter option in Excel to filter your data.