If you do not have a backup of the latest release and you got warning messages when trying to restore an old backup to a controller with the latest release, there is a procedure that you can use to roll back the release on the controller. Please follow these steps in order to roll back the release.
If you have not tried restoring your backup yet, follow the procedure described here.
- Inform the customer/grower that the process computer can’t control and can’t be accessed during the update procedure.
- Be sure that all controls for climate, energy and irrigation are in rest and in a safe position.
- Download the old release of your controller. Old releases can be found here.
- Reset the Compass controller to factory defaults by following the procedure here
- Start the Local Operator and log in with the customer’s user name and password.
- Open the apps by clicking the “apps” button.
- Open the Gateway setup by clicking the “Gateway setup” button.
- Use your pin code to log in the Gateway setup.
- Once the Gateway setup screen is shown, navigate to the Controller by clicking on the “device Setup” button on the controller icon.
- Open the “Settings” menu by clicking on the sprocket in the upper right corner of the display
- Select the “Upload platform image” and you will be prompted to select your update file.
- Open the file “Compass_ControllerSetup_xxxxxxxx.zip” and confirm the update.
- A blue page is shown for a while and then a status bar appears. This will take about five minutes and your controller will reset at one point during the update. After the update is finished, the controller will restart, and you will see the Compass setup screen.
- Once the desired release is installed, you can restore the settings using the procedure found here.
- After the settings have been restored, repeat steps 9-13 to reinstall the latest release of the software.
See also:
How do I restore my Priva Compass settings?
Where can I find previous Priva Compass controller releases?