If you want to start showing the historical data of Compri HX hardware in the digital services, perform the steps below. Note that only long-term historical data is supported for HX projects.
- If you have a Starter package, upgrade your subscription to Essentials or Plus. The Starter package does not include Historical Data Storage.
- Make sure the Edge Gateway is updated to the latest software version. Go to Installation & Maintenance to update the gateway if there is an update available.
- Make sure the chart duration of the data points for which you want to enable the historical data is set to at least 12 hours in TC Select. If the chart duration is set to less than 12 hours, the chart in Operator will show no data.
- Upload the metadata to the cloud.
- Add data to the long-term storage.
It will take about 15 min for the data to be available in the cloud (this doesn't apply to Priva Blue ID).