You can share a report via the sharing options of a report: Edit sharing > Share the report. The recipients will receive an email with a link to the report.
Who can you share with?
A report can only be shared with users from the same organization who have the permission 'View Reports' in Access Control.
Note that if people with only the ‘View reports’ permission enter Analytics, they will only be able to see the reports shared with them. People with the permission 'Manage Reports' already have access to all reports of your organization, but by sharing a report with them, they will be notified about it by email.
Emails for every edition or KPI notifications
For recurring reports, emails will be sent for each report edition if no KPIs are selected for KPI notifications. If KPIs are selected for KPI notifications, emails will only be sent if a selected KPI drops below the limit.
More info: When will emails be sent for shared reports?