Set KPIs using coordinates, limits, and a target:
- Coordinates: Define where values would be located in the scatter plot at optimal performance > blue line in the scatter plot.
If you set only one coordinate, there will be a horizontal blue line. If you set multiple coordinates, there will be a blue line connecting the coordinates. To the far right and far left of the coordinates, the line continues horizontally to infinity. - Limits: Define how much the actual values may deviate from the coordinates > blue bandwidth in the scatter plot.
- Target: Set a target percentage. If this percentage of values is within the set limits, then the KPI grade becomes 10.
Below is a scatter plot with KPI for ‘boiler 1’. 83% of the values are inside the set bandwidth. Because the target percentage is set to 90%, this results in a KPI grade of 9.2 for this boiler.
By setting filters, irrelevant measurements can be excluded in the calculation of the KPI grade. There are two filter types: a time filter (in operation / not in operation) and a data point filter. The data point filter allows you to add a condition for a chosen data point. For example: only calculate the KPI and show values in the scatter plot for data point 'room temperature' greater than 15 °C.