Creating a report is very easy: click ‘New report’ and follow the instructions on your screen.
A) Configure basic settings
- Choose the site
- Define the name of your report
- Decide whether you want to create a one-off or a recurring report
- Optionally: share the report (this can also be done after the report has been published).
B) Add elements to the template
- Fill the report by adding elements (charts, tables, scatter plots) to the template. For each element, choose which data of your site you want it to display.
Note: You can only add data points that are added to the long-term storage. More info - Add KPIs to the charts and add KPIs to the scatter plots.
- Combine KPIs into KPI sets.
(button appears after setting KPIs)
C) Save and activate
- Click Save & Activate and your report will be generated shortly (one-off) or at the specified time (recurring).
It may take a minute before a one-off report is generated. In the Reports overview, you can see if/when your report has been published.
Edit template
The basic settings ‘site’ and ‘one-off/recurring’ of a report cannot be changed afterward.
Edit the template if you want to change the content of the report: add/remove elements and add/remove data to elements. After editing the template, don’t forget to click Regenerate report.
Note that anyone in your organization who has the 'Manage Reports' permission can edit all reports in your organization, regardless of who created them.
Tip: Share a recurring report with yourself. Then you will receive an email every time a new edition of the report is available.